Accent lights are specific and attention-grabbing.
They are used to set mood, draw focus, or add sparkle. larger accent
lights like wall washers impart a soft, colorful glow; spotlights can
draw attention to favorite artwork or emphasize a focal wall; candles
create a sense of movement and cast dramatic shadows. Often, it can be a
beautiful decorative accessory on its own. Use accent lighting to
spotlight a photo, collection, or display. Place accent lights in
bookcase shelves or on a long mantel for subtle illumination.
Select your style:
- Picture lights perch over artwork to illuminate it. They are usually low wattage to minimize glare off reflective surfaces.
- Track lights can be aimed to highlight architectural details and favorite objects.
- Mini-chandeliers hang from the ceiling and add sparkle.
- Candles fill a room with warmth and animation; they can add color and scent as well.
- Nightlights are very low wattage and offer illumination by which to navigate or sleep.
- Beaded-shade lamps change the quality of light, tinting it with jewel tones.
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